What is Your Worldview?

This past week we broke down the controversy topic of 'Worldview,' and gave us the introduction to the Four Questions that define Worldview: 

o   Ontology -being – Who am I? How do we exist?
o   Epistemology -knowing – How do we know?
o   Axiology -worth – What is the ultimate value?
o   Teleology -destiny – Where are we going?

However, the big kicker question was, "Am I living my life according to what I believe?" In other words, just because I say that I believe in something doesn't necessarily mean that I believe it. Do I live my life according to what I believe. 

"...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."  -Phil 4:8 (ESV)

Are these the things I fix my thoughts on? Do I really live out what I preach? Am I willing to die for what I believe in? Am I willing to live for it? 

"A worldview is a set of assumptions held consciously or unconsciously in Faith about the basic makeup of the world and how the world works:
  • Sometimes what Christian’s say their worldview is, might not really be their worldview
  • Every person has a worldview, whether it’s conscious or unconscious, but it all requires faith. It takes faith to believe in God, or science, or what others say.
I both love and hate life-challenging questions, and this was not the first time this kind of question was posed to me. My Christian worldview was first challenged back in 2008, when I attended a church study group watching 'The Truth Project,' with the question, "Do you really believe what you believe?"

It is a question that constantly holds me accountable to my beliefs, and drove me to studies like 'The Truth Project’ and the YWAM School of Biblical Studies. It's why I talk about heavy topics with people. Why I seek to understand the full context of what I'm reading, and don't just pull out a few Scriptures; the reasons for God's Laws, and exactly what Christ did on the cross... and in His life as a man.

I didn't start out this journey with the intent of teaching others. But the more I learn, and the more I realize how much of God's Word has been distorted -either by misinterpretation or loss of value. God doesn't give us wisdom just for our own sake. I am meant to teach. But I have to be careful that I become neither arrogant, passive, nor complacent; nor pretend to understand something that I don’t. I know I will never have all the answers, but it’s not really up to me to give people all the answers. I can only help guide them to the Truth.


Besides the teachings this week, we also had our first Outreach meeting; going over plans and responsibilities. I cannot reveal where we are planning to go yet until it is confirmed, but I ask you to please pray for us as most of my class will be stepping into Outreach Leadership for the first time.

The head staff leader for the ECO school asked if I could help one of the students practice her English once a week. Of course I said yes! It will be a good learning experience for me as well. We have had a lot of Brazilian's arrive on the base last week for ECO. It reminds me of when I did my Outreach in Brazil back in 2014. In fact, one of the girls who arrived I already knew from that trip. It was wonderful to hug her and hear how she has been doing these past few years. 

Dessert night this past week was very interesting. The intent of these evenings is to be able to ask questions of this campuses leaders in a relaxed environment. But we were all so relaxed, and covered topics from various ministries to movies, that we didn't really leave until about 10pm! But good company and good conversation is so wonderful you never want it to end! 

This Tuesday I will also begin my local Outreach spending time at the local Youth Center. Please pray that the Lord will guide me in establishing good and wise relationships with these young people. Working with Youth can be both a complicated and beautiful thing. But I do have to be careful that I am wise in my words, actions, and followups. 

It is very strange to finally be in the transition from student to leadership. The Lord has been very gentle in guiding me down this path, and allowing me to take it in a little at a time. I do not take mentoring another person lightly. And I pray that I will be sensitive to both their needs, and that I learn from the experience of others concerning boundaries and how to minister properly. 

I have also been walking a lot more lately, and exploring the area. I never did this last time as my anxiety made me fearful to go places alone. I praise God that I can now leave the campus, and walk away for a few hours without fear of getting lost, or worrying about 'looking like a tourist' in my exploration. I didn't realize how big the little town of Harpenden was. I finally went to one of it's parks today after church service, and enjoyed some wonderful quiet time and writing in my journal. I think I am going to make it a point to go off campus at least once a week (if not more). ;)
