Recap Post 2 -Worldview

After the week of 'Teachability and Hearing God's Voice' we moved on to the next three.
We opened with a favorite scripture Mom and I both loved, Phil 2:5-11, about how we are to have a mind like Christ's, and exactly what that mentality was like.

Worldview, Apologetics and Why We Believe in God was in one week. It was a very powerful presentation explaining how both the outside world and even the church view.... the church. It's a pretty common knowledge that many churches try to separate themselves from anything outside the church, such as; government, business', media, entertainment, etc.

*Please know that I stated "many churches." Clearly, not all churches are this way, or these people who taught us wouldn't have a home church.

Anyways, continued:

It was a beautiful week of learning how God is in "All Things" and that everything is part of His creation. I loved the accountability He gave us. I am sorry that I've missed some stuff all these years. I've always known that the Bible is the greatest medical book, hygiene book, government, organization, business knowledge, etc. -I just didn't really pick up on it. But in our assignment, we looked through the Bible with eyes to see exactly what God says about all those things.

In the book of Exodus, you can clearly see God instructing the Jews how to set a perfect government (and you can compare it to the worldwide governments and see how brilliant it is). The Old Testament is a very good source of Hygiene and Sanitation laws. (Ex. Jew's instructed to wash their hands centuries before we understood germs. And makes you realize why the Jew's got blamed for the Black Plague- they were the only ones who didn't get it because they followed the sanitation laws and didn't have excrement on the streets, etc.)

Also, a great study of various Sciences, such as certain chemical mixtures for foods and other items. The types of wood and other items they were to use to build with are proved to be the most reliable for that kind of purpose. Discussing how plants grow and about the earth's minerals, etc. Environmental subjects are brought up, and God explains how, if certain things are changed, it results in negative change. Ex: Many gardeners today now know that you need to plant flowers near fruits and veggies for pollination other purposes such as attracting pollinating bugs, etc.

Also, the whole seven day rest example- Even the land should rest every seven years. This has been scientifically proven more than once that the land has to replenish it's own minerals so that it is sufficient for growing our food. -Just ask any farmer and he can tell you how the land has changed over the years and how the produce decreases.

I love how every one of our speakers somehow come back to the Environment in their teachings and all say that Christian's should actually be the biggest environmentalist's! After all, God did put us in charge 'to take care of' His creation.

Obviously, I could talk a lot about this, but I will move on. We also touched on what the book of Daniel and Revelation explains about what Heaven will be like. And.... thinking about Mom, I must say that I am extremely delighted with this new insight. I'm so sorry we had never focused on it before. What am I talking about? Ask me and I'll tell you. Believe me-It's beautiful! (But we're not going to be sitting on little clouds playing harps and singing for the rest of eternity.)

When William Wilberforce was fighting abolish slavery in England he once said, "...the nature and all the circumstances of this are now laid open to us; we can no longer plead ignorance, we can not evade it; it is now an object placed before us, we can not pass it; we may spurn it, we may kick it out of our way, but we can not turn aside so as to avoid seeing it; for it is brought now so directly before our eyes..."

Yes. He was talking about all the inhuman details involving the slave trade, but he always related it back to what God said about slavery and the conditions.

But I thought of that quote when our speaker had us read Romans 1:20 (NLT)"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."

This means that EVERYONE has a chance to see and know, accept or reject God. But everything about Him is revealed in His Creation: Nature and Us. There is 'no excuse for not knowing God.'

Pretty powerful statement. Also reminds me how much accountability I have in this.
