Recap Post 1 -Teachability

Hello, Everyone!

I apologize for taking so long since my last post. In my defense, it has been extremely busy -but in a good way. We've had three speakers during the past three weeks. The topics have been 'Teachability, Hearing God's Voice, Worldview, Apologetics, Why We Believe in God, Holy Spirit, Fund Raising and Stewardship'. (Quite a list, right?) We've also been assigned to read a book by Dean Sherman called 'Relationships' outside our class time to discuss in groups.

We've also been involved in assigned work duties around the base Monday-Friday, and we also have assigned local outreach. There's no way I can go into complete depth about everything that is going on here; partly because I'm so far behind and partly because some of it's too personal for public posting. But I will give you a quick recap to catch you up to date!

I'm going to break them up into three or four different posts so that they're not all extremely long and each of the topics will be divided up for better discussion if anyone has any comments or questions.

Here's First post.

Teachability and Hearing God's voice followed after we learned about the walls we build around ourselves, and how those walls can be either built of good stones or bad ones (meaning shut out or simply make us stronger.) If we shut out our hearts are not ready to receive God's teaching and guidance. And there are many voices that we hear: our own, others, God's and the enemy's. We can't really decipher which one is God's if we haven't developed a close relationship with Him.

We need to recognize our wall and know what it's made of: Is it built on love, trust, faith, forgiveness, etc.? or is it built on fear, prejudice, judgment, unforgiveness, addictions, etc.? These things greatly affect us whether we want to admit it or not. And if we really want to hear God's voice we need to turn to God to deal with these walls. Because, just like I said in the previous post 'Walls vs Sanctuary' those walls will come crumbling down on us if they're not built strong. -Go to any physiatrist (Christian or not) and they will tell you walls built on sand will crumble around you, and when it does the person becomes either suicidal or homicidal.

Yes. We did study how to develop a teachable heart. ;) There are a lot of notes on that.

God's timing is never wrong. I had just talked with a friend telling her that I knew I had walls around my heart, and I knew they were not good for me, but I didn't know how to tear them down. Just leave it to God to make sure that I received the answer a few days later.

I can't really share what all the stones in my walls are/were right now, but it was a very personal time for me.
